Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Houston, We Have HERO Passage!

By a 11-6 margin, Houston City Council passed the Equal Rights Ordinance after a month of contentious hearings and a marathon session that included public comments from over 200 citizens pro and con and  many of the councilmembers.

It may have been one small step in the human rights evolution for many cis and straight Houstonians, but for those of us in LGBT Houston, it was a giant leap in our human rights 30 years in the making.

And as you TransGriot readers have noted, I've done my part for Team Pass The HERO and put the sweat equity in to make it happen. 

I am so proud of my hometown today and all the people who put in the work to make this day a reality. 

Despite the nonstop anti-trans attacks, jaw dropping ignorance and straight up lies peddled by the faith-based haters, reason and logic prevailed.

And yeah, it was personal.

The best part of this whole day is my hometown is no longer on the list of cities that don't protect the human rights of their citizens.

And I have a smile as wide as the Lone Star State about that.

1 comment:

  1. Alln historic day for Houstonians.... thank you Monica for your hard work and devotion to us all!!
