Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Mr. WSSU Election Wednesday

There's another election that has gotten my attention besides the mayoral one in Washington DC that is happening today.  

It's the one on the Winston-Salem State University campus Wednesday that will determine who wins Mr. WSSU.

We're about to find out whether using someone's personal information along with heaping helpings of transmisogyny and homophobia to smear them for an on campus election is a winning campaign strategy. 

I'm hoping the student body on the WSSU campus says no and they send a message with their ballots that they didn't like it either and Aaron emerges triumphant.

But it's in the students hands as to who they will elect as their Mr. WSSU representative and we'll have to respect the results.

But I don't have to respect the shady shenanigans that transpired over the last 48 hours.  

As Jane Vaughn said in her letter, 'Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for appalling silence of the good people." I refuse to stand in silence. I stand in active solidarity with Aaron McCorkle and others at WSSU who are marginalized and victimized for being their authentic selves.'

And I will stand in solidarity with you as well, in addition to using this blogging platform I have been blessed with to get the word out when people are being marginalized and victimized for being their authentic selves.

The Winston-Salem State University’s mission states, "Preparing diverse students for success in the 21st century..  In the 21st century a diverse student body also includes SGL, trans and bi students.

It's an example of why WSSU's short sighted removal of gender identity and expression language from their non-discrimination policies passed in 2008 was a mistake that needs to be rectified as soon as possible. 

This is also another prime example of why the Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act is sorely needed.   It is a bill that Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) revived the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) introduced back in 2010 that would require colleges and universities receiving federal aid to establish anti-harassment policies and recognize cyberbullying as harassment.   She did so after hearing about Kristopher Sharp's story, who is now working as an intern in her office.

Good luck Aaron, and hope we're hearing good news from you Wednesday.. 

TransGriot Update: Discovered the Mr WSSU election is actually happening Wednesday from 8 AM-8 PM EDT.  Post has been corrected to reflect this.    

And unfortunately, appears the hate speech did have an effect.  Aaron lost.

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