Saturday, April 26, 2014

Laverne and Lupita Snubbed For Time 100

Fans rallied behind Cox and got her over 88,000 votes, with less than 10% of voters saying that she shouldn't make the list.
What would your reaction be if an institution magazine sought public input into who should  make its annual influence list, a person got the fifth highest total of all the vote getters in the poll, but was still snubbed when the final list went to press?

Well, that's what just happened to Laverne Cox.  When I discovered she was briefly leading her category in Time 100 voting, I asked my readers to support her and many of you did to the tune of 88,000 votes (mine included).    That total was as I mentioned the fifth highest number of votes anyone received, but yet she was ignored by the Time editors when the final list came out. 

What up with that Time magazine?  . 

Some people were outraged that Cox (and fellow actress Lupita Nyong'o) did not make the final list despite their strong online backing.She wasn't the only one with a similar situation ignored by the Time editors.   Oscar winning actress Lupita Nyong'o was also snubbed despite the overwhelming support.of over 41, 000 people.

Time has been mute about it, but peeps pissed about both being snubbed haven't.   The champions and supporters have been vocal about their displeasure of neither woman making the list while people that polled far fewer votes and were of lighter complexions did. 

Laverne took it in stride, thanking people for supporting her. (and I and 'errbody' else always will have your back). Meanwhile the radio silence coming from Time speaks volumes.

As far as I'm concerned, without you two ladies on the Time 100 list, the quality and credibility of it took a major hit.  I submit I'm not alone in my assessment either..

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