Friday, February 07, 2014

Shut Up Fool Awards-Sochi Olympic Opening Edition

Ku-xlargeWell, the Russians have been waiting four years for this day.  Like some of the other glitchs that have plagues these games such as Olympic torches on the relay going out, construction work at the last minute combined with one of the snowflakes during the opening ceremony not opening into an Olympic ring, the 22nd Winter Olympics that much of the international LGBT community isn't watching because of the unjust anti-gay legislation Russia has passed in the runup to the Games started today.

I'm basically going to watch women's hockey because I've got trash talking to do with a certain Canadian women's hockey fan.  I also want to see if speedskater Shani Davis wins his third consecutive gold medal in the 1000m and see if Lolo Jones wins her first ever Olympic medal in the bobsled.

Speaking of the bobsled, Cool Runnings II is going to happen since the Jamaicans not only qualified for the two man bobsled, but raised the money to get here.

From today through February 23, the Shut Up Fool Awards will be done Olympic style with gold, silver and bronze level fools.  So let's discover who went for the gold in jaw dropping hypocrisy, over the top arrogance, mind numbing stupidity, and Olympian levels of ignorance.

The Bronze goes to Texas GOP gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott, who continued his party's stellar outreach to Latino Texans by calling South Texas, where millions of Latino Texans reside, a 'Third World nation.  

Keep it up Greg.  That Wendy Davis inauguration ceremony next January looks more plausible every time you open your bigoted mouth.

The Silver goes to Toronto mayor Rob Ford who decided to align himself with Vladimir Putin and is attempting to have the rainbow flag removed from a ceremonial flagpole at Toronto City Hall mere hours after it went up to express solidarity for Russia's LGBT population while the Winter Games are taking place.

Ford also pissed off Toronto's TBLG community by announcing he would skip World Pride despite it being held in Toronto this year along with Toronto Pride.   

And you decided to run for reelection?  

Piers MorganThe Gold medal goes to Piers Morgan, that wonderful trans 'ally' who screwed up his first interview with Janet Mock, and when she complained about it on Twittier, turned hostile and went even more nekulturny the next night while proclaiming he was an 'ally.'

When HRC is calling you out on your ish, you need to STFU and listen to what people are saying because you have royally fracked up.  . 

As I said in a previous post, if this is an example of you being an ally, I damned sure wasn't feeling the love.

Now on that note, Piers Morgan, shut up fool! 

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