Friday, October 11, 2013

National Coming Out Day 2013-It's STILL Different For A Trans Person

'I don't want to underestimate how liberating it is for a trans person to come out to family, friends and allies.  It does wonders to lift the burden of carrying that tremendous secret off our psyches so we can begin to openly and honestly live our lives.' --TransGriot October 11, 2012 

Today is National Coming Out Day.  Congratulations if you did so on taking that first giant and scary step towards evolving to become the person you needed to be.  

And yes, if you don't feel strong enough today to do so, don't worry about it.   You don't have to do it amidst all the hoopla of this week and this day.  Only you know when you are ready and emotionally strong enough to handle it and the challenges that will come your way after you come out.
If you're trans*, it's even scarier and a much different dynamic from our LGB brothers and sisters because a gender transition is not easy.  After the initial coming out date, unlike our cis LGB brothers and sisters, we have to pay cash out of pocket, get trans specific medical care and counseling, and morph our bodies to be our kind of person we wish to project to the world.  

We get to be hated on and resisted by a depressingly long list of societal haters. 

And what I said about coming out as trans last year still applies.

Photo: Spark! 11 th Anniversary Celebration for the Transgender Law Center at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel, San Francisco, California October 3rd, 2013. ©2013 Allison Palitz Photography, all rights reservedThat's your mission once you realize you are trans and decide to accept the fundamental truth that it's absolutely essential for your quality of life, health, sanity and future happiness to transition. 

For the vast majority of us it's a decision that once made and executed, we wonder why we didn't do so sooner as our bodies and minds align and everything else falls into place once we get the gender issue resolved. 

You become part of a brotherhood and sisterhood that expands across the globe.   You begin to realize that we transfolks are part of the diverse mosaic of human life.  You discover that we have a proud history.  We have had and do have some amazing leaders at the local, state, national and international levels.   We are accomplishing some groundbreaking things and doing our part to uplift the communities we interact and intersect with including our own.

We trans people can do and accomplish anything we wish to do if we're just given the opportunity to do so.

With trans kids coming out as early as five and six, trans teens breaking new ground every day, and in many cases being agents of their own trans liberation, we trans elders are motivated to keep busting our behinds to create a world in which your human rights are respected and protected.  

The world we want for you is one in which all you'll have to do in addition to ensuring those rights stay in place for the generation of trans kids behind you is to dream your big dreams and make them happen.

But it all starts with that first scary and exhilarating step out of the closet after you come to the epiphany that you are trans*.
Everything else we can handle together one day at a time.

TransGriot Note: photos are of Dr Kortney Ryan Ziegler accepting the inaugural Authentic Life award from the Transgender Law Center and Cheryl Courtney-Evans in front of the Stonewall Inn where the TBLG movement began in 1969.

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