Thursday, August 01, 2013

The Draconian ATL Anti-Prostitution Banishment Law Is Back

Back in April I signal boosted a post from Cheryl Courtney-Evans' A Bitch For Justice blog calling out the proposed draconian anti-prostitution law that has a controversial and probably unconstitutional banishment from the city of Atlanta provision  

It generated much outcry in the ATL and went away for a minute due to the intense scrutiny it got. 

Cheryl kept warning people that this unjust proposed ordinance wasn't dead yet and not allow the tranquilizing drug of complacency to divert their attention from what was going on with this unjust proposed ordinance. 

It turns out that Cheryl's repeated blog warnings were well founded, because the ATL's 'Queen of Mean' Peggy Denby along with some allies in the ATL's police force are making another attempt to galvanize support and put lipstick on this pig of an unjust ordinance.

Here's what Cheryl had to say about it:
This is such a ridiculous plan! First, it would not solve the "problem", but merely shift it to other parts of the city. Secondly, it would quite probably create another "crime", in that someone who actually lives in an "area of prostitution", could be arrested again JUST FOR GOING HOME (if they've been banned)...or are they expected to have found the money to just up and move outside of the "banned area"?? And finally, when the rubber meets the road, if individuals have been made to feel [experience] no other alternatives to survival, banishment or no banishment, arrest or no arrest, they will be back...what do they plan to do, build a wall or erect a fence around these areas [or Atlanta]? This will not solve anything; an improved system with services would be more logical, positive AND progressive.
You can read the rest of Cheryl's post along with her action suggestions to kill the unjust proposed ordinance here.

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