Friday, July 12, 2013

Shut Up Fool Awards-Cheryl's Birthday Edition

Had a few birthdays I've commemorated on the blog this week and must add another one to the list in the person of my trans elder Cheryl Courtney-Evans.  It has been wonderful getting to know her, soaking up some of her wisdom she has for me and everyone else that loves and respectfully listens to her.

Happy birthday Cheryl!  May your day be a special, drama free one full of blessings and sweeter than a gallon of tea.  May you have many more of them!

Speaking of drama and stress, it's also Friday, and that means we now must segue to our usual TransGriot 'bidness' of shining a spotlight on the fool, fools or group of fools who are causing societal stress and angst because of their arrogance, breathtaking ignorance or simply just straight up fools we gots to call out.

So let's get started with this week's edition of the TransGriot Shut Up Fool Awards since we had lots of nominees to wade through.

Honorable mention number one goes to Texas state rep Steve Toth (Teabagger).  Steve is against the idea of teaching comprehensive science based sex education in Texas schools as a way to cut down the teen pregnancy rates because in his words, 'sex education sexually arouses teenagers'.

Honorable mention number two goes to Rick Santorum, who desecrated by beloved home state and parted his lips to say that the extreme abortion bill was part of a Movement of Love

Oh really?  The Tiller family probably doesn't share that sentiment along with millions of American women. 

Honorable mention number three is a group award for the North Carolina Taliban GOP, who turned a motorcycle safety bill into an abortion bill with no advanced public notice

So much for open and transparent government in the Tarheel State

Honorable mention number four is Sherwin Smith, the deputy director of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation in a May 29th meeting responding to Maury County citizen complaints about the drinking water making their kids sick, Smith said that unfounded complaints about water quality could be considered an “act of terrorism.”

Really?  And I thought the Republicans here in Texas were batturd crazy.  This is Republican governance at its finest once again.   And I wonder how many of these Maury County people complaining about their water quality voted GOP in the last election cycle.

This week's winner is Sen. Rand Paul (Teabagger-KY) for not only voting against ENDA in committee, but once again letting his white hood show when it was revealed that his social media director Jack Hunter, a SC shock jock who called himself the Southern Avenger' and was a member of the racist League of the South.  

Paul is standing by his Klan, er man.  In an interview with HuffPo's Howard Fineman, Paul said that an aide who believes in secession and has a history of wearing Confederate flag masks should be forgiven because he is “incredibly talented” and his mistakes are similar to using marijuana.

WTF?   You must be smoking marijuana to say something that stupid.  And Paul wonders why African-Americans are tone deaf to his GOP recruiting pitches.

Sen. Rand Paul, shut the HELL up fool  

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