Sunday, June 02, 2013

Where Were The 'Normal' Gays At Stonewall? Cowering In Their Closets

The next time that some conservagay tries to pinkwash the history of Stonewall and erase transpeople from it, send them to this link to read the letter that came from a closeted gay man complaining about the 'freaks' that were in the celebratory parade held one year after Stonewall took place. 

The response from Dick Griffo of New York was beautifully on point.

September, 1970

Remember, the ‘queens’ had the balls!

This is addressed to the “Name Withheld” correspondent regarding the Christopher Street West parade. As I reside in Brooklyn Heights, I can only refer to our own demonstration in which I proudly participated. I do believe, however, that both parades were quite similar.

I would like to know if the anonymous correspondent participated in the march or if he remained on the sidewalk, afraid to commit himself. Also, he should remember that the homophile community ranges from flamboyant drag queens to conservative closet queers—but we are all human and should join together in this our common struggle. Please don’t forget that it was the DRAG QUEENS who fought back last year, not we closet queens.

I’ll tell you where the “normal looking homosexuals” were. They were at the beaches, the theatre, away for the weekend, ad nauseam, because they are not yet liberated from themselves.

The use of the word “fag” by the correspondent indicates a deep self-hatred which should he corrected.

When the correspondent is no longer afraid to use his name in your publication and learns to accept ALL his brothers and sisters, then and only then will we succeed in our peaceful revolution.

Dick Griffo
Brooklyn, N.Y.

So yeah,  we transfolks are going to continue to have major problems with gay peeps continued attempts to erase us from the movement we put our azzes on the line to start.

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