Saturday, June 01, 2013

What Part Of We Didn't Start The War On Transwomen Are You Not Comprehending?

There was an interesting facts free May 2 Tumbler post coming out of TERF world that trans oppression enabler Dana LaRocca posted to a Facebook page I have access to.

The Lesbian Mafia post was filled with the latest white women's tears TERF talking points accusing trans women of 'bullying lesbians' and pushing the vanillacentric female cis privilege scented lie that 'we're defending ourselves' 

Yeah right, and if you believe that bull feces I have some waterfront property along I-10 in Louisiana's Atchafalaya Swamp I'd like to sell you. 

Beth Morgan posted a response to it which needs to be signal boosted in a separate post, and if I get her permission to do so, I will give you her thoughts about that Tumblr post as an interested observer and ally to both the feminist and trans communities.   

But I'm raising the pink, white and blue flag on this one (saluting the trans flag) and calling BS on that Tumblr screed.  I also have to ask the question, what part of the we didn't start the War On Transwomen are you not comprehending?   Feminists started it 40 years ago, and the onus is on you, not the trans community to stop it.

And now for your reading pleasure, my response in that Facebook thread. 


Trans women didn't start this crap, they did. This is not a 'two-way street' as you called it, it has been 40 years of one sided transphobic vitriol which transpeople are justifiably pushing back against because we are the ones being bullied and dehumanized.

The humanity and femininity of trans women is constantly under attack on various fronts, and the largest source of it for 40 years has been from the predominately white feminist and lesbian communities.

It is illogical to think we're not going to get tired of it and go to DEFCON 2 or 1 level to combat the negativity predominately and persistently coming from elements of the feminist and lesbian communities and defend ourselves.

We're justifiably reacting to and pushing back against the dehumanization being aimed at us and we're tired of predominately white feminists, TERF's and lesbians crying white women's tears after being called out for their decades long oppressive behavior.

And in many cases, the lesbians and feminists pushing this hate and doing their transphobic dirt are too cowardly to attach their names to it. I have more respect for the Religious Right transphobes because I know my enemy, they are open about it and they'll proudly sign their names and put their photos on their jacked up hate scribblings.

New decade, new rules.

You TERF's don't get to play that game in which you gleefully oppress and attack trans women's humanity and then climb on your white femininity pedestal and claim you're being 'bullied' or 'attacked'. You're getting called on your transphobic crap and if you don't like it, tough.

Trans women, and especially trans women of color are especially tired of predominately white lesbians and feminists not only pushing anti-trans propaganda and hate speech, but actively opposing trans inclusion in human rights laws. It is Black and Latina trans women who are disproportionately dying because of their unjust stances and lack of civil rights vision.

So the onus is on the feminist and lesbian community to send the message that the disco era anti-trans hate is no longer acceptable and clean it up in their ranks.

When we trans women see a sustained effort to do so and genuinely establish the sisterhood bonds with trans women, then trans women will positively respond to that.

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