Thursday, June 06, 2013

Show Us The T-Bills, Too!

imageJanet Mock and Kortney Ryan Ziegler have written posts that have questioned why indiegogo and other crowdsourcing campaigns haven't worked as well for trans people of color or are met with cricket chirping silence.  

"I see numerous indiegogo campaigns from folks - operating in the world with varying levels of privileges - who raise money quickly and even have extra to throw a party.

The irony of the fact that those most in need in our community are least likely to ask for help and when they do they are met with silence is appalling.  We must all do better."

In Kortney's HuffPo post he not only makes this comment, but introduces you to four campaigns helmed by Black trans activists including his own that are asking for and deserve your support.

Black trans activists are doing the necessary work to make our community stronger, wiser, and healthier. Let's support them so they can continue to support us.

Sure is, especially when people keep insisting we are all one big trans community and snipe at me about consistently bringing up the race and class issues.  But it's things like this that keep confirming what I have to say in the first place.

Kortney and Janet are correct in that we need to do better as a community.   I'd like to see these four Black trans led campaigns get the same kind of support that the one raising funds for Kate Bornstein did. 

So show us the T-bills, too!

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