Monday, June 03, 2013

Hmm, Did I Pluck A Dallas Principled Nerve?

''Were the Dallas Principles a sincere attempt to change the way the BTLG rights movement goes about its business or did they evolve into public relations woof tickets aimed at dissenting TBLG peeps expressing increasing discontent about the 'all marriage all the time' direction of the LGBT rights movement?'   
TransGriot,  May 28, 2013

Hmm, despite what some of my haters claim and I know for a fact by my hit counts, guess some of you peeps in Gay, Inc orgs (and elsewhere) read what I have to say at TransGriot on a regular basis.

Seems that Dana Beyer quickly put up a HuffPo post that attempts to spin what I wrote about the trans community being legislatively left behind.   All the stuff she quoted in her HuffPo piece while it has been wonderful news for the trans community that I was quite aware of, still has been done predominately via ADMINISTRATIVE or federal court rulings.

ENDABlog 2.0's Katrina Rose also has something to say about the post 

Dana's post is just another round of excuses and spin (remember Dallas Principle Number 1, Full civil rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals must be enacted now.  Delay and excuses are no longer acceptable) attempting to divert attention from the fact that trans justice and trans human rights are being delayed and denied in some cases by the actions (or inaction) of our so called allies while non-white transpeople pay in blood for their lack of human rights vision.   

But then again, as a longtime TransGriot reader pointed out in a discussion on my Facebook page, why should we expect organizations to adhere to standards they weren't in that DFW airport hotel room they didn't come up with or publically agree to follow?  

Perhaps because it's the right and morally correct thing to do?  

But then again elements of the GL community and GL organizations have a long ugly history since 1973 of not doing the morally correct thing by transpeople they aren't even close to making up for.  

The points I made in the Dallas Principles post are still valid about the trans community being legislatively left behind as a consequence of the GL 'all marriage all the time' push.  While anti-trans discrimination legislation was just introduced in Delaware, it is still just a bill until it passes both houses of the Delaware legislature and Gov Jack Markell (D) signs it.   

Until then gay people still have anti-discrimination coverage in Delaware, New York State and Beyer's home state of Maryland  with solid public accommodations language that they gained in all three cases by throwing trans people (who desperately needed that sake level of human rights coverage) under the civil rights bus.  With two weeks to go in the New York State legislative session GENDA still has not advanced to a vote in the GOP controlled senate nor have we heard Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) utter one syllable in favor of its passage or indicate he would sign it if it did pass the New York Senate and trans rights legislation died in Maryland..

Transpeople still cannot openly serve in the United States military while GLB people since 2010 can. 

And the question I asked about the Dallas Principles in the closing paragraph of that May 28 post and is in bold print at the start of this one is still open for debate.

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