Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thank You Readers For TransGriot's Fifth Highest All-Time Traffic Day!

If you surfed by here on November 6, you were part of my fifth largest traffic day of all time at TransGriot.

I didn't write much on that day except a post exhorting people to vote , a post thanking you for my fourth highest traffic day of all time , a short one noting a local trans feminine leader who was running for US Congress and when I got the word that President Obama won, I reposted the video of Ann Coulter's 2011 CPAC prediction about what would happen if Romney was selected as their nominee.

I ended that day with 7341 page views and the fifth highest TransGriot traffic day of all time..

As I said before, there are hundreds of trans blogs, but only one award winning one written from the perspective of an IFGE Trinity Award winning proud African descended trans activist.   Thank you for taking the time out of your day to surf by here and read what I have to say about various issues.  

I write to keep you apprised of what's going on inside and outside transworld and talk about it from a chococentric perspective.   I'm aware of how important that is because y'all tell me while I'm out and about how imprtant that is to you to have that perspective injected in th stories that impact our community, much less have someone talk about the issues that affect us that tend to get ignored

Thank you once again loyal TransGriot readers, and with your help and me continuing to focus on writing quality posts, I know I'll break those traffic records someday

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