Monday, August 20, 2012

Why I STILL Won't Vote For Conservafools

I have a diverse collection of people in my life who encompass a wide variety of political thought up to and including conservatives. 

The country club ones, not the batturd crazy wing.

But lately I've been getting pushback on my Facebook page from a few of them who have objected to my scathing critiques of the conservafool movement and tried to challenge me using Fox Noise talking points that are awash in vanillacentric privilege they continue to fail to acknowledge.

This post is the result of a series of conversations and response to one of my friend's charges that in his point of view, he has the opinion I think the Democratic party is perfect.

I never said the Democrats were. There are things I don't like that they do. There are policy directions such a universal health care I'm disappointed they haven't been more aggressive on in enacting.  I would like to see them more forcefully call the Republicans out for what they are in terms of being neo-fascist anti-intellectual extremist bigots.

I've been made aware of in my lifetime that conservatives as a whole don't like my people. Individual Republicans may not feel that way and resent it when we slam the conservative movement they are personally aligned with.

But in these hyperpartisan times when there is a clear Grand Canyon wide chasm between the policies advocated by Democrats and Republicans, that 'vote the person not the party line' spouted by people is bull feces.  The party you choose to support gives me a major clue about what type of human being you are and an insight into your personal values.   It also gives me a major clue as to how you will govern if you gain control of the government at whatever level and how you will use that power. 

From where I sit, the 2012 edition of the conservative movement and the GOP is not one that is worthy of my time, much less my precious vote because the conservamajority consensus that comes from your movement, your GOP party that is the political arm of your movement, the media that supports it, and the vanillacentric policies and the policies that it promotes are seen by myself and other persons of color as relentlessly racist and hostile to our political and economic interests.

So naw conservatives, I can't in good conscience as someone who loves her people vote for Republicans .
Another thing I have observed over my lifetime is that when Republicans have attacked mine and my people's human rights, it was Democrats I saw repeatedly standing up to resist it.   It was Democrats who called out the bigotry and racism while Republicans were united in cricket chirping silence about it.

It is Democrats who have the policy agenda, desire and attempt to spend their political capital on policies that help urban America while you Republicans denigrate it.and oppose those policies while coming up with the same warmed over supply-side conservabull feces that we know doesn't work.  .     

It is Democratic candidates who repeatedly come to my community and respectfully ask for my vote.  You conservafools seek to come up with any excuse to ignore and disrespect my community while suppress its paid for in blood ability to vote.

I know and my community knows when we have been spit upon.  So  don't even try to disrespect our intelligence and attempt to tell us that it's raining.  We don't watch Fox News so that baa baa conservasheep routine doesn't work on us. 

Neither does sending cookie chomping sellouts to parrot the same policies and anti-Black remarks uttered on a regular basis by conservative white pundits.

So if you can't stand me and my people, and you have repeatedly  demonstrated through deeds and words when you get power you will use it to oppress me and my people, why would I be foolish enough to vote for representatives of a GOP that make it quite clear that they hate me and the policies they pursue will have deleterious effects on my life?

So naw, Moni and the African-American community ain't going out like that.   When you conservafools make up your minds that you will stand up for my community like the Democrats have done for over four decades and you come up with policies that fix the problems that ail my community, then I might start listening.

Until then, every election day I'm voting for people with D's behind their name on the ballots..

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