Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hell No To Proposed 'Stand Your Ground' Polling Place Law

Every time I presume that conservafool fetishes with guns can't get any crazier, I see another jaw dropping article that convinces me conservative identified white people have gone fracking crazy since President Obama was elected in 2008.

The Republican 2012 platform already ratcheted up their fetishistic gun love another level by expressing support for Stand Your Ground Shoot an Unarmed non-white person gun laws and unlimited clips.  

Now if two Florida Republican sympathizers named Robert Stevens and John Nelson have their way, they want to have the ability to take the 'Stand Your Ground principle to a polling place near you.

They want the state of Florida to pass a “Protect the Polls" law under which “anyone suspected of committing voter fraud can be fired upon – provided the weapon is registered and operated by its licensed owner.”

Not no, but OH HELL NO.   And you want to know why I and other African-Americans have a severe distaste for Republicans and the conservative movement in general besides their racism that's on daily display.

I know you conservative white people are deathly 'scurred' of determined large numbers of non-white progressive voters using the ballot box to elect politicians with mandates to overturn your jacked up, mean spirited and unconstitutional policies and have been using every underhanded method to keep that from happening, but this is insane.  

It's also one more reason we non-white folks and our allies need to be ensuring right now we are registered to vote and on November 6 (or as soon as early voting commences) voting for every person at every level of government with a 'D' behind their name.

It's past time to throw the conservabums out, and make sure we exercise and strengthen our right to vote so that we can keep them out of power for the next 40 years.

It's time to end the conservamadness.  Because if we don't work to non-violently protect the polls and our democracy from fools like this and stupid ideas like this, there are monumentally stupid conservative legislators who may actually think this a good idea and file the bill to actually make this steaming pile of crap law.  


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