Friday, July 27, 2012

Shut Up Fool Awards-Texans Training Camp Edition

The Summer Olympics opening ceremonies in London aren't the only sports related thing happening today. 

NFL training camps for the upcoming 2012 season have been opening in various locations all around the country this week.   For us Houston area NFL junkies the road to a hoped for Super Bowl appearance in New Orleans for our defending AFC South champs starts with tomorrow's opening of Texans training camp over at their complex across the street from Reliant Stadium. 

Just in case you TransGriot readers were curious about it, Michael Watts and I are planning to do our NFL pigskin prognostication battle once again for the upcoming 2012 NFL season.  If bloggers wish to join in on the fun let us know before mid-August. 

But be warned, Mike and I tied for the regular season title last year, and I had to come from four games back to do it.   I want to win it this year.  

Okay, now that I've gotten the football jibber-jabber out of the way, let's segue to what y'all really surfed over here to find out, who won this week's TransGriot Shut Up Fool Award

A usual, I had a long list of fools to choose from, starting with Fox Noise, the Romney Campaign, The Republican Party, Reince Priebus, Michael Steele, Michael Medved, Ron Christie, Gretchen Carlson,  Sean Hannity, Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) , Gov Bobby Jindal (R-LA), Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC), Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Charles Krauthammer, Texas Tea Klux Kan senate candidate Ted Cruz and Newt Gingrich     

Honorable mention number one goes to Rep Louie Gohmert (R-TX) 

Honorable mention number two goes to 2011 TransGriot Shut Up Fool Lifetime Achievement Award winner Rep Michele Bachmann (R-MN).  I had to pull her out of retirement once again and call Bachmann out for her over the top Islamophobic race baiting of Huma Abedin.

This week's Shut Up Fool award goes to one of the strong contenders for the 2012 Shut Up Fool of the Year Award in Willard Mitt Romney.
He started off the week lying about the POTUS in a speech before the VFW and having an aide make the racist claim that the POTUS didn't understand the Anglo-Saxon ties between Great Britain and the United States.   Hello, y'all conservafools keep forgetting President Obama's mother Ann is white with English heritage and he's more Anglo-Saxon than you are, Willard.

Then Mitt gets to jolly old England and on his first day over there insults Prime Minister David Cameron, forgets the name of Labor leader Ed Millibrand, snubs the US press corps, makes an insulting comment about Britain's ability to host the Games that Prime Minister Cameron and London Mayor Boris Johnson called his azz out on, threw his wife Ann under the bus when questioned about the Olympic dressage horse Rafalca he got a $77,000 tax deduction on, and mentioned an MI6 meeting he needed to keep secret. 

And oh yeah, did I mention that the British press is roasting his behind and calling him worse than Sarah Palin?  

Mittbot still has Israel and Poland to visit on this trip that was meant to showcase his readiness to represent the USA on the foreign policy stage.   More like he's a not ready for prime time player and he's putting America in the embarrassing position of apologizing for him instead of the lie he tells at every campaign stop that the POTUS has been apologizing for America.

Instead of hearing Hail to the Chief he delusionally thinks should be played for him, this is the song more appropriate to Mitt Romney's visit to England. .

Mr T, Take it from here.  Mitt Romney.... 

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