Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Quoted In TF Charlton Article On Jennifer Carroll

The commentary is still flowing concerning Florida's Republican Lt Governor Jennifer Carroll and her jacked up comment in the midst of her unfolding same gender sex scandal that women who look like her don't engage in 'relationships like that'.  

She's apologized for the comment, but Carroll is still  rightfully getting called out on it by all Black women, straight , trans and lesbian for it.

And the hits just keep on coming. T.F. Charlton penned an AlterNet article in which I was quoted and linked to along with Tami Winfrey Harris.

I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to T.F. Charlton during the 2012 edition of Netroots Nation in Providence and here's a taste of her article:. 
Black women as a group have long been framed in dominant American culture as essentially unfeminine. In what Monica Roberts has called the " black unwoman meme ," black women are unfavorably compared to a feminine ideal rooted in white cultural norms: white women are "considered the paragon of virtue, fertility, beauty and femininity." As a foil to this romanticized (and misogynistic) image of the angelic, respectable white lady, black women are widely stereotyped as promiscuous, bad mothers, unable or unwilling to land husbands, unattractive, angry and threatening. In short, black women in the popular imagination are so outside the scope of normative femininity that we are less than women, even almost men. Our bodies and lives are held up to intense scrutiny and routinely found wanting in appropriate femininity.

t's in this context that Carroll's comments read as a dangerous validation of racist, misogynist policing of black women's bodies and lives. Carroll perhaps unwittingly frames herself as the polar opposite of stereotypical images of black womanhood: a faithful wife and dedicated mother who doesn't look like women who "engage in relationships like that." She equates being a black woman who is "properly" feminine in appearance and behavior not only with being straight, but also with being respectable. She frames her accuser's femininity as suspect and even ridiculous by comparison. " She's the one who's been single a long time," she points out, insinuating that it is her accuser, Carletha Cole, not Carroll, who should be suspected of being queer -- i.e., not a proper black woman.

It definitely deserves a signal boost, and not because I'm quoted in it.

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