Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Let My Transpeople...

Let my transpeople pee in peace without being messed with by ignorant cis people.

Let my transpeople access trans specific and non trans specific health care without the Janice Raymond restrictions being used by insurance companies and transphobic doctors to deny them coverage.

Let my transpeople be able to work and keep a job they are qualified for.

Let my transpeople be able to have identity documents that accurately reflect the person they are now.

Let my transpeople be able to change those identity documents to reflect the persons they are now without  having to go through major drama to do so.

Let my transpeople have their human rights respected, protected, and codified into law.

Let my transpeople have first class citizenship in whatever country they reside in on this planet.

Let my transpeople be able to participate fully in setting the policy agenda of the rainbow community without being disrespected or ignored by gay and lesbian people

Let my transpeople be able to participate fully in setting the policy agendas of the other communities they interact with without being disrespected or ignored

Let my transpeople be able to live their lives without faith-based ignorance or interference from misguided lawmakers. 

Let my transpeople be able to date and marry the person they love.

Let my transpeople see themselves being accurately represented in media.

Let my transpeople see people who look like them discussing trans issues in the media, on college campuses, and other policy forums

Let my transpeople see their heroes and sheroes contributions to society included in the historical narratives and not excluded from them.

my transpeople be able to walk the streets without being murdered because of somebody else's fear, loathing and hatred of them.

Let my transpeople overcome their shame and guilt about being who they are realize they must own their power in order to make everything on this list become a reality.

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