Friday, August 06, 2010

Upoming Trans Strategy Conference

TransGriot Note: Arianna and the folks at GIEC sent me the note about this upcoming invitation only trans event.

This is a dynamic and engaging conference for prioritizing and planning an effective strategy of vigorous ground activism/advocacy/action, to include:

*Education of the general public and institutions, especially of areas where Trans people are rarely heard of or considered, utilizing in depth heart to heart discourse, common ground engagement and positive bridge building.

*Blunting stigmatization of Trans people, as well as ending the gross misappropriation, silencing and "invisibling" of Trans people by some elements of the LGB and Cisgender sectors in society.

*Building a Trans Activism machine that can act independently, with any ally support as an added "bonus", not total dependency.

*Finally challenging Transphobic institutions, initiating supported litigation when called for.

*Launching a response and communications network for Trans people based on existing successful models and creativity.

*Officially launching Counter - Media platforms and resources that can broadcast positive and empowering images of Trans people, thus challenging the negative media image(s) of Trans people;

- increasing and raising the volume of our voices.

*ENDA - and alternatives to this if necessary.

*Creative solutions for mitigating Anti - Trans violence.

*Significant ally organizations and others, such as the ACLU, Lambda Legal, Sylvia Rivera Law Center, TIP, Radical Women,GLAD, NLGTF, GLAAD, NOW, TFA, TransUnited, TransHaven, GASS, TransAngels, Gender Justice, contributive UK/European/Asian/Latin American/African entities, MAGNET and Board members of the Guardian Angels, are just some being invited to attend.

*There will also be opportunities for individuals or groups at the conference to make presentations - please let us know at least 2 weeks in advance, provide an abstract or outline of what you would like to present.

The cost of this conference is free, although donations to be used for trans people in need, would definitely be appreciated!

Location: Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo, CA (conference area TBA)
Date: Saturday September 4th - Sunday September 5th, 2010
Time: 10:30 AM on Saturday / 12:30 PM on Sunday

If any maps, directions are needed for the area, please don't hesitate to request them.

-An electric cart for those with disabilities is available with advance reservations specifying that the cart is needed.

-Breakout sessions can be flexibly scheduled throughout the conference.

-There will be a special motivational and success training presentation on Saturday (time TBA).

-We'll also host a live "2-way" online video feed at the conference, so that remote attendees will have a chance to significantly contribute - we'll be giving out secure pass words and log-on information beforehand.

Meals and catering
-Breakfast/Brunch and Dinner on campus subsidized by the GIEC, will be available during the conference. -The Bistro Cafe on the campus of Soka University serves fresh, very well prepared great all-you-can-eat buffet meals prepared by contract chefs.

-If there are any dietary needs (such as vegetarian, vegan or modified diet) please let us know ahead of the conference.

Detailed information for hotel and residential host lodging will be arranged and announced very soon.

Scholarships will be available for those needing financial assistance to attend this event (for travel, lodging and subsidized meals)

This conference will be invitation only and security will be provided

Phone: 714-227-0252

TransGriot Update: Questions are arising as to whether this is a legitimate conference. It's not on the Soka University website for scheduled September monthly events.

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