Friday, October 09, 2009

Saturday Sellout-Harry Jackson

Ralph Reed and his friends started the Samaritan Project back in the 90's to recruit Black ministers for the Forces of Faith based Intolerance.

Meet one of their superstars, Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr.

He's the senior pastor at the sprawling Hope Christian Church in Lanham, MD and runs the Hi Impact Leadership Coalition, a front organization for Lou Sheldon's Traditional Values Coalition.

He claims he's a 'registered Democrat', but his actions belie that. He's also admitted that’s basically a ploy to give him credibility when attacking President Obama or pushing Republicans for public office.

"I voted for President Bush, but here in Maryland—a primarily Democratic state—in order to vote in the primaries that affect the election, you need to be a Democrat. That’s where I started. Over time, however, I’ve found that I have very little in common with the Democratic Party in terms of national moral values issues. Still, being able to say I’m a registered Democrat disarms many of the people who want to write me off as an “Oreo” or an “Uncle Tom."

No it doesn't, Harry. You're an Oreo-chomping Uncle Tom.

So when the Christobigots need an Oreo-cookie chomping sellout to parrot their talking points and pet issues to a predominately African-American audience, or be the point negro for an anti-gay referendum, you can count on Bigot Harry Jackson being their man.

Check out his virtuoso performance at the recent Values Voters Summit.

He has a long history of Uncle Thomasin for the Religious Reich and a long paper trail as People For The American Way has documented.

He was the Reicher tool in the Prop 8 battle and other anti-gay referendums. He is also taking the lead role in fighting Washington DC's attempts to first recognize and now legalize marriage equality.

He has his hate on for President Obama and liberal-progressive Black leadership in general. He proudly boasts to predominately white evangelical audiences that I'm the “other Jackson.”

Harry, I have more respect for that 'other Jackson' than I ever will for you.

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