Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Isn't This Special? Gainesville, FL Anti-Trans Amendment Supporter Arrested For Bathroom Voyeurism

There's one glaring thing I've noted in the modus operandi of the Forces of Intolerance when we have these referendum battles with them.

The Reichers are aware they don't have a legitimate legal argument to use to oppose granting civil rights coverage for GLBT people. Their only shot at generating a significant vote surge to defeat GLBT rights measures is to lie, obfuscate and spread disinformation.

That's your cue to give the folks in Kalamazoo, MI as much help as possible as the days rapidly tick down to the November 3 election day and help them keep their GLBT rights law on the books.

But back to the rest of the story.

Despite the fact that no trans person to date has ever been arrested for doing the things we are accused of by the Forces of Intolerance in a restroom, they keep trying to spin transgender protective legislation as 'bathroom bills' and pimp the lie that crossdressed predators are lying in wait to rape your women and children.

Seems like the peeps that we have to worry about executing this behavior in women's restroom are our opponents.

The deliciously ironic news coming out of Gainesville, FL yesterday was about the arrest of 27 year old Jonathan Matheny for one one count of video voyeurism.

A 28 year old Gainesville woman discovered a camera equipped cell phone under a pile of tissues in the CVS drugstore when Matheny works as the store manager.

She became suspicious when she noticed Matheny leaving the restroom on her way in, He admitted he placed the camera there after the woman lodged a complaint with him and she subsequently called the police.

Matheny's computer and cell phone have been seized and are being examined by the GPD according to police spokesman Lt. Keith Karneg.

The blog Conservative Babylon has even more details about Matheny.

Turns out Matheny was an active participant in the 2008 petition drive to force a March 24 vote, which they lost, on the Gainesville ordinance expanding civil rights protections TBLG people.

The GLBT rights ordinance also included a provision including equal access to public accommodations.

Matheny not only signed the petition, he allowed signature to be collected for it on his store property. One of the spin lines of the amendment forces was that it was essential to prevent men from using the public-accommodation portion of the law to enter women's restrooms and film, rape or otherwise prey on the opposite sex.

Matheny has no prior criminal record, but said to Gainesville police he had filmed about 50 women during the past six months.

As expected, the haters in the Citizens For Good Public Policy couldn't be reached for comment, but amendment opponents had something to say about it.

"It's a bit hypocritical when that group was allegedly putting the petition on the ballot to protect women in bathrooms and then the manager of the store who was allowing the petition gathering was in fact preying on women in bathrooms," said Terry Fleming, spokesman for Equality in Gainesville's Businesses.

Lord, save us from your misguided followers.

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