Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Is She Or Isn't She Linda?

For those of you who are fans of The Matrix trilogy, you are well aware of the fact that it was written, directed and produced by the Wachowski siblings.

You may be saying to yourself, don't you mean the famed movie making, writing and producing team the Wachowski Brothers?

Umm, that's a good question.

Larry, the elder Wachowski sibling, in 2003 began making public appearances en femme. The rumors quickly started flying that a gender change was beginning and Lana Wachowski was beginning to emerge.

The break up of Wachowski's nine year marriage to childhood sweetheart Thea Broom only added more fuel to the rumors swirling around Hollywood and beyond.

A May 30, 2003 column by David Poland said, "Every indication I have says that Larry Wachowski is now in the process of changing his sex. Dressing in public like a woman, taking female hormones and yes, having a sex change operation."

The story only got more interesting after the movie V For Vendetta was released and the writing credit went to the Wachowski brothers. The same was true for Speed Racer as well.

While producing, directing and filming the live screed adaptation of Speed Racer in 2007 there were denials that gender reassignment surgery had occurred.

But then pops up this April 17 photo of Linda leaving LAX. I say Linda because once again, another rumor surfaced that she's officially changed her name.

Hmm, does this person look like a dude to you? Yeah, right.

Due to the reclusive nature of the Wachowski siblings, we don't have a definitive answer to that question yet. The only way we'll get it is when Linda Wachowski calls that press conference or releases a statement through a publicist.

Only then will we have concrete proof confirming what has been widely speculated through much anecdotal and photographic evidence to have occurred.

And even Neo and Morpheus can see that.

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