Monday, June 15, 2009

I'm Sorry That My GOP Racism Offends You

The sheet wearing racists that inhabit the RepubliKKKan Party just can't resist their programming.

First it was a GOP official in South Carolina who compared the First Lady to a gorilla.

Now comes word of the latest outrage from Tennessee. Then again why should I be shocked. The Tennessee GOP had their hate on for the FLOTUS as well during last year's Tennessee primary and came up with the infamous 'Call Me' ad during the 2006 US senate race between John Corker and Harold Ford, Jr.

Tennessee is the home state of Chip Saltsman, who created the infamous “Barack the Magic Negro” CD and was one of the candidates for the chairmanship of the national Republican party.

Well, in the latest chapter of the GOP White Sheet Chronicles, a staffer in Tennessee state senator Diane Black's (R-Gallatin) office named Sherry Goforth e-mailed a composite picture of our country’s 44 presidents, but represents President Obama with only a set of eyes.

It gets more interesting because Sen. Diane Black happens to be the chair of the Tennessee Senate Republican Caucus.

When confronted by Christian Grantham of the Nashville Is Talking blog about the e-mail, she confirmed she had sent it. Goforth also stated she had received a letter of reprimand from her superiors but will stay on the job.

When asked by Grantham if she understood the controversial nature of the photo, Goforth would only say she felt very bad about accidentally sending it to the wrong list.

Grantham gave her a second chance to address it and she repeated that she only felt bad about sending it to the wrong list of people.

Hmm, I wonder who's on the right wing, er right list?

“I went on the wrong email and I inadvertently hit the wrong button,” Goforth told NIT. “I’m very sick about it, and it’s one of those things I can’t change or take back.”

Rep. John DeBerry, the chairman of the Tennessee Black Caucus of State Legislators, wasn't laughing at the so-called 'joke'. He said the incident reflects poorly on Tennessee and lawmakers.

“It’s unfortunate, and it’s another in a series of unfortunate incidents that have happened across this country with this president,” he said. “It sends the wrong message from the state of Tennessee, and it sends the wrong message from the House and Senate. I wish it hadn’t happened.”

But it's going to continue to happen. The GOP as the home of the Dixiecrats and the Southern Strategy, can't resist or are unwilling to resist and overcome their racist programming.

Well, it's a large part as to why the GOP only has 20% support. In the minds of many peeps GOP=Racism and they are doing little to dispel that impression.

These incidents happen with far too much regularity and speaks to the vanilla flavored privilege and ignorance that Republicans in the local, state and national level parties wallow in on a daily basis.

And note to Rusty DePass of South Carolina, hope you are aware of the fact that white gorrillas do exist.

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