Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy President's Day!

Happy President's Day! It means a lot more now that we have Number 44 in office and 'Brother Prez' is handling his business.


  1. I've always thought President's Day was a crock. Now I finally understand what the fuss was all about. :)

  2. At ;east during the last 8 years it was a crock when the Idiot in thief was in the White House ;)

  3. my family has never been really big about "patriotic" holidays. i rarely know when one of them is coming up until the commercials start telling me.

    i'm still happy to have a PRESIDENT (still am not tired of that yet) Obama in the white house though. I'll be down right giddy when he signs the stimulus bill.

  4. Yeah, and now we have a President to be happy about.

  5. I know you are Jackie, he lives in your neighborhood ;)
