Thursday, October 02, 2008

VP Debate Blowout?

Tonight we get to watch the only vice presidential debate from the campus of St. Louis' Washington University. And if expectations hold to form, it will be Sen. Joe Biden taking Gov. Sarah Palin to school on the big leagues of national politics.

The Rethuglicans are already trying to lower the bar for their not ready for prime time political Barbie doll. They're trying to whine that Gwen Ifill, tonight's moderator for the debate is biased. They're trying to paint the picture that mean ole Joe Biden and the 'liberal media' is gonna ambush and beat up on poor little Sarah.

Spare me that bull feces, okay?

The bottom line is that the conservative darling and paragon of 'small town values' is George W. Bush in drag. She's a politician who left her high heel pump prints all over her Alaskan GOP rivals and I don't underestimate her. She needs to be smacked down and shown to be the unprepared, unfit for national office fundamentalist idiot she is.

Palin may be a representative for conservative white women, but I would submit that there are sizable segments of the American population that look at her and are appalled by what they see.

Sen. Biden on the other hand has to be careful not to come off as condescending or arrogant while he rips her butt to shreds with a smile on his face every time she makes a gaffe.

But as a sports junkie I'm aware that predictions don't necessarily play out when you play the game. Ask the New England Patriots about that.

Whatever happens, people will be watching. 52 million tuned in for the first presidential debate between Sen. Obama and Sen McCain. This one has the potential to become the most watched vice presidential political debate since 57 million people watched the faceoff between George H.W. Bush and Geraldine Ferraro back in 1984.

So I'm popping the popcorn, have the pop chilling in the refrigerator and will have the TV tuned in to watch the debate that starts at 9 PM EDT.

1 comment:

  1. the GOP wouldn't dare schedule any more unscripted air time for Palin b/c this will give people more time to realize that she doesn't have a clue... the prospect of her becoming the Commander in Chief is frightening
