Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Obama Sweep!

The 'Potomac Primaries' in Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC decisively went Sen. Obama's way last night. He's now won eight straight contests with elections in Washington state and his birth state of Hawaii coming up.

And he's finally taken the lead in terms of delegates according to the AP poll.

My home state votes March 4 along with Ohio, and since Texas is an early voting state people can start casting ballots as early as February 18.

If you want to keep up with the political news in the Lone Star State, check out the one I refer to and use along with my sources to keep up with political events back home called the Burnt Orange Report.


  1. Hi everyone , yeah i am new around here, I like this blog. The valentines letter was really touching Monica..and yeah its good thing for all concerned when we find our true selves get the outside the match the inside. Love is never a zero sum game there is enough LOVE - real love..

    anyhow for your readers in texas another Excellent blog is Bluebloggin. Those gals are some very serious progessives, political junkies..part of the Texas Progressive blogger alliance and ( a good quality for a blogger , i guess)

    so its

    Texans are pretty excited their primary is really gonna count. Me i am down nervous about Ohio..ground zero for caging etc..PEOPLE MAKE SURE YOU VOTE AND DON"T LET ANYONE STOP YOU !!! if you know u are registered..

  2. Proudprogressive,
    My sis and everybody back home definitely shares your sentiment.

    The candidates will have to do something besides use Texas as a politcal ATM.

  3. A good friend in Texas was telling me just this morning that early voting starts today and that after the vote on the 4th there is also a caucas for the 30 % of the delagates that aren't assigned, divied up in the primary..which only takes 70% of the 243 total Texas delegates...She also pointed out that Delays geri mandering may just work out real well for OBAMA , as in Texas everyONE can VOTE in the independents YAY

    soo I have to admit i laughing pretty satisfied that the GOP is getting hoisted on its own petard of thinking they would have a permanent majority forever..THANKS YOU NEO CONS for destroying the repulican party..i mean really what is a republican anyhow...All their wedge issues..HA , they gave themselves a wedgie !!!! hehehehhe

  4. Republican=anti democracy radical who wants to build a bridge back to the 19th Century.
