Saturday, December 01, 2007

Addicted To Blogging? Moi?

70%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Well, seeing that I have 400 plus posts this year compared to the 125 I did in all of 2006, hmm. maybe I am. But I wouldn't call that an addiction.

I just simply like to write, have a lot to say about various things going on in the world around me and have a lot of fun doing it.


  1. Monica,

    I'm afraid to take that test. It would probably be off the charts! (lol)

    I already know I'm totally addicted to blogs and blogging. But I think it's a good addiction.

    And your blog is one of the ones that got me hooked! (lol)


  2. Don't think I'm addicted but I love to write also. Haven't blogeed much lately because I'm finishing up classes. I have written down some thoughts and will blog with abandon once classes are finished.

  3. keep up the good work :) check my blog if you get the time.
