Thursday, October 03, 2013

Wendy's Running!

Earlier this afternoon Texas Sen.Wendy Davis finally said the words that we long suffering Texas Democrats (and the nation) have been waiting to hear.
"I have decided to run for governor of the great state of Texas.
As Texans, we believe that with hard work, determination, and a little old-fashioned common sense, we can build a better future for ourselves and our families.
We can make our communities safer, create jobs, and get Texas moving in the right direction.
I realize that we have a challenging road ahead. But after talking with my family, my friends, and my closest supporters -- I am convinced this is the right decision."

So are we and everyone who is on board with #TeamWendy.  I've already made a donation to her campaign because I'm that convinced she is the right person to lead our state. 

GK5OQTS0.1StaffI remember the last time we had a female Democratic governor lead our state.  It's also the last time Texas had a budget surplus ($2.5 billion) a diverse leadership team and a governor who was admired and not laughed at.

I got the feeling that Ann Richards, Barbara Jordan and Molly Ivins were looking down from their heavenly perch and smiling a bit today.  

I want to be doing the same along with other liberal-progressive Texans tired of the GOP corporate dictatorship on November 4, 2014.

Wendy's running!  Now it's time to get busy and help her win.

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