Sunday, May 30, 2010

Isis Update

Isis put a comment on her Facebook page recently that she would be appearing on the Tyra Show soon. haven't seen it yet, so I either missed it or it's been rescheduled. If it's been rescheduled, definitely will be on the lookout for it to see what my sis has been up to these days. You'll have to check your local TV listings to see what time the show comes on in your area.

Isis has been doing some wonderful things since her emergence on Cycle 11 of America's Next Top Model She's become a role model and eloquent voice for many transwomen of color regardless of our ages.

I had the pleasure of interviewing her on the Womanist Musings Blogtalkradio podcast, which is on hiatus until I get resettled here and Renee finishes a major project.

But I do want to take a moment to give a shoutout to my sis. Isis is evolving before our eyes into a beautiful, confident and sexy woman, and that's a wonderful thing to witness.

1 comment:

Gina said...

I saw the Tyra show she was talking about. She was on for about 5 mins. As usual, Isis is adorable (with a new short 'do) and talked about her breakup with her boyfriend/fiance.

My one concern is that Isis looked incredibly thin... like, noticeably/unheathy thinner than she did on Top Model. I hope she isn't getting an eating disorder and that she has people in her life who will help her with that.